Thursday, 30 January 2014

Bugs types

Incompatible classes

when you try to deserialize files generated with old code...
Les trouvailles dInternet pour bien commencer la semaine #161 130114 18

Wrong URL setting

when you put a wrong rest url in your property file and you receive no messages...
Les trouvailles dInternet pour bien commencer la semaine #160 060114 6

Too verbose xml messages

when SLAs are not met because your XML messages are too big wasting time in serialization and deserialization...
Les trouvailles dInternet pour bien commencer la semaine #162 200114 15

Production with no tests

when you go in production and you expect that everything will go fine even if you didn't test all the possible paths...

Les trouvailles dInternet pour bien commencer la semaine #162 200114 23




Too many requests, site is down

when you go in production without never running stress tests before...
 Les trouvailles dInternet pour bien commencer la semaine #158 161213 11

Threads bottleneck

when you spawn threads and you think it will be faster, but you forgot that synchronized method...
 Les trouvailles dInternet pour bien commencer la semaine #158 161213 20

Threads interference

when you forgot to coordinate your threads...
 Les trouvailles dInternet pour bien commencer la semaine #154 181113 25

Bug in an external library

when that external library that you choose is not behaving as expected...
 Les trouvailles dInternet pour bien commencer la semaine #153 121113 22

Wrong usage of a library

when you tried to use a library without reading the documentation...