Tuesday 6 May 2014

Happy customer cocktail recipe



1 - Take a bit of Kanaban, Scrum retrospectives, XP practices and mix well.

2 - Setup your board. ( You will need an electronic board, so choose between  JIRA agile , Versionone , Leankit , etc. Remember, it's not about how big it is, but how you use it ).

3 - Setup Jenkins. You will need to build the following pipelines : 

The following to run after every commit.

Continuous build job : this is triggered every time there is a commit. It runs unit and acceptance tests against trunk.

Sonar job : If the above passed, then  it's time to check the quality of the code committed. You can use sonar and the sonar plugin for Jenkins.

The following to run every night, each depends on the success of the previous.

Continuous build job : yes again, no point in running the following if this fails.

Release jobthis creates a production release (maven release or whatever is your company policy about releases) out of your trunk(svn)/master(git) branch.

Deploy to dev job : This job automatically deploys to dev environments.

Dev System tests job : This will trigger your integration tests against dev environments.

Deploy to perf job : This job automatically deploys to performance environments.

Performance tests job : This run your JMeter tests against perf using the permormance jenkins plugin.

4 - Each business story will need to follow this process :

Pair : If the story is not trivial, do pair programming. It will speedup development and it will reduce dramatically the number of bugs.

Distill the story :  Sit with your pair, QA and the Product Owner and write down all the acceptance criteria. Ask questions here and try to cover all possible scenario.  

ATDD : Write acceptance tests first. It will not compile at first because you do not have any implementation, so write the interfaces that you need in order to make the project to compile. Run the test, it will still fail. 

TDD : Now write the test for the most external part of your code. (implement leaves first). Run the test. Implement the code to make the test pass. Test more. Implement more. Continue until the story is fully tested and implemented.

ATDD : Re run your existing acceptance tests. They should pass now.

Review : Submit the code for review. Once the code has been reviewed you can commit.

Sonar : wait for Sonar to tell you how good you and your pair are.

5 - After the Jenkins nightly pipeline is successful completed, the QA team can pick up the Release and they can deploy to their QA environment. QA will run manual, automate and exploratory tests and if bugs have been found, developers need to act immediately. 

6 - When QAs do not find bugs, the release can be deployed into UAT where the Product owners can verify and accept the stories.

7 - Once POs are happy, Ops team can deploy to Preprod in order to test the deployment scripts and the deployment instructions.

8 - Ops can deploy the release in production.

Happy customers can celebrate now.


Friday 2 May 2014

Why you should not work extra hours

There are pros and cons in working extra hours or over time regularly, here is an attempt to list them all. Some are well known, some are taken from my experience, if you know other reasons just comment and I'll include them in the list.


You are going to introduce bugs 

Human concentration does not last for long time, and it decreases drastically if your brain doesn't rest properly.
We are already introducing bugs when we are extremely focused and well rested in the morning, so it's easy to imagine the disaster that can happen at 10PM.
8 hours of mental work a day is more than enough for your brain.

Your changes cannot be promptly reviewed 

Code reviews is an extremely powerful tool that is widely used by team in order to control code quality. It works perfectly when reviews are done immediately and you can talk face to face with your team members. It works well when it's done using tools like Gerrit, Reviewboard and so on. It works bad if every morning there are tons of lines of code to review because of nightly or extra hours commits.

Stories team estimation goes wild

One of the most painful part of any agile team is the stories estimation (less in Kanban, more in Scrum). It is painful, stressful, long and it is tiring for all the participants. Estimations are based on stories complexity and time. The time is the 8 hours per 5 days a week. Now, all this estimation gets distorted and so useless when team members regularly work extra hours. Team will get frustrated.

You can create tension between team members

One thing I noticed in teams where some members work over time, is the presence of hostilities and tension. Why is that? People that follow regular work hours can be worried about their career being compromised because they do not stay longer in the office. People who work late can see the others as non involved/interested enough on the job. Solution? simple, stick on regular hours.

You create wrong expectations

Everyone knows, you give a hand and they want your arm. You work regularly over time and your manager will start soon to expect and to count on you to stay late.

You lose a great part of your life
